пятница, 17 января 2020 г.


Editing help is available. Drakonoved 1 1 gold badge 8 8 silver badges 24 24 bronze badges. I tried to add this repository, but there is no repository available for xenial. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: What is the exact error you get when adding the above repository? Elv13 7 years ago Ok, fixed, the page must have failed to save correctly. sflphone ubuntu

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Any chance that it will make it into sflphnoe repos for the Kubuntu Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden file or directory not found This seems to be a common problem, but no solution found so far. How do we handle problem users?

Post as a guest Name. Add the source-code for this project on opencode. Put the headline here.

sflphone source package in Xenial

Developed and maintained by the Canadian company Savoir-faire Linux[9] [10] and with the help of a global community of users and contributors, Jami positions itself as a potential free Skype replacement. It is really not that hard or long.

But, I couldn't find it on sdlphone repository. How to remove sflphone-gnome package from Ubuntu Sign up using Facebook. I have a Linux Mint From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Elv13 7 years ago As long as they are in sync.

I might move the KDE client to a separate repository at some point, but for now they are still sharing the same repository. Active 5 years, 1 month ago. It ubbuntu installed the repo daemon. Active 3 months ago.

I was asking, because I was looking for a deb package Kubuntu oneiric and only found the gnome-client.

sflphone ubuntu

Ok, then, I will investigate and fix that. Its running, but not accepting my sipgate account data. The client is a graphical user interface. Asked 2 years, 8 months ago.

sflphone ubuntu

Improving the question-asking experience. Jami Original author s Savoir-faire Linux Inc.

How to install sflphone-gnome ubuntu package on Ubuntu /Ubuntu /Ubuntu

Sfl;hone as a guest Name. Retrieved from " https: KDroid - Telephony last update date: As of 18 DecemberRing was renamed to Jami. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

SFLphone is not available for Ubuntu Kall - Telephony last update date: If a hyphen is appended to the package name with no intervening spacethe identified package sflohone be removed if it is installed. But for anything else, you will have to compile it. I didnt compile the client, I used the repository one.

sflphone ubuntu

A SIP account enables the Jami softphone to connect to a standard SIP server and a Ring account can register or use an account set up on the decentralised Jami network which requires no central server.

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